What should go into your journal? A journal is a place for you to figure out life as it relates to yourself, your business, your job, etc. It becomes magical in the sense that it accomplishes those ends. It helps to clarify what is going on.
Example: Write about a current dilemma you’re facing – it could be a business matter or a family situation. Take the time to capture it on paper the way it really is. Then, carefully analyze what you have written.
Look for:
1. Exaggerations or distortions of the truth. Are you really telling it like it is?
2. A tendency to blame circumstances or someone else for your problem instead of seeing yourself as the cause. Failing to do what we could have done or doing in haste what we never should have done.
3. A tendency to expect circumstances or other people to change in order for your problem to be solved. “Things get better when you get better.”
4. Look closely for weak points in the obstacles where you might attack to bring that obstacle to its knees. Remember, David slew Goliath with one small stone.
Be sure to record the solution to your problem. If it worked well, then it is worth remembering. If it didn’t work well, then it is even more important to record and remember.
“Better decision making comes from better thinking habits and better thinking habits come from practical experience.”
So, step 1 was to write down problems that you encounter.
Step 2: The capturing of good ideas. “What we do not somehow capture today is lost forever.” “Life always rewards the serious students for their labors.”
Consider keeping an index at the back of each volume. Ex.: Financial ideas – pages 5, 53, 76, 105. Ideas for increasing company efficiency – pages 46, 79, 104 and 126.
After years of experience, Jim Rohn settled on setting aside certain sections of his journal for specific uses. In the back of the journal, there could be a separate section for recording goals, for listing interesting quotes, and for thoughts on new speech material. You could also include a section for ongoing projects.
“Failure more often than not is attributable to lack of information on how to succeed.”
Step 3: Review Ideas
For journals to have real value, they must be frequently reviewed. It is by rereading our journals that we begin the process of translating information into practical knowledge about ourselves, our environment, our relationships, our businesses, our financial affairs, our dreams and our own better future.
Set aside a day each week, or at the very least, each month to review recent entries. Then once a year, take all of your journals off the shelf and read them from cover to cover.
A journal should also capture observations and reactions. Describe near misses that you have. Outline your observations of people’s behavior at family gatherings or office parties. Paint the picture of your day at the beach. Go a step further. Describe your feelings, your emotional response to life.
Describe your feelings when someone else got the promotion you thought was rightfully yours. Capture the joy of your victories as well as the agonies of your defeats.
It doesn’t have to be a monumental event to capture. The better that we are able to describe what goes on around us, the better we will be able to understand some of the turmoils and conflicts within us.
Powerful negative emotions are diminished by writing and powerful positive emotions become explosive.
Writing about your fear reduces its strength and capturing your excitement magnifies its power.
Draw pictures, make diagrams, neatness doesn’t count and neither does spelling. Glue in newspaper articles, cartoons, quotes, whatever moves you.
You should start off each entry with the location, date and time of the entry.
Writing in your journal is one of the most effective ways to develop your communication skills. As you become better at describing life to yourself, you will find you will become better at describing yourself to life.
How often should you write? As often as you wish and as often as you need to.
The first discipline to develop is to always have your journal with you. Carry your journal with you.
One of your first entries into your journal is a complete account of how it is for you right now in this life. What’s got you turned off? What’s got you turned on? How’s it going for you at home, at work? Are you happy, frustrated, excited, perplexed, worried, doubtful?
You might write a description of how it’s going in each area of your life. Honestly tell it like it is.
For a more comprehensive 50 minute recording of How to Use Your Journal, email me at wtompson@ix.netcom.com.
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